Friday, October 28, 2016

The splendors of well aged chavismo

Thus we are in the middle of a social, economic and, thus, political crisis of major proportions. The regime assuredly thinks about what to do to counter an opposition that has been setting up the agenda for quite a while now. After a massive brain storm they come up with a minimum wage increase of 40% . I think, I cannot even be bothered to check whether it is 40 or X: it makes no difference.

So chavismo is recurring to the LONE policy it knows: throw good money after bad. Even if now it needs to print it.

OK, I could still deal with that. But what I cannot wrap my mind around is that the regime calls it a major success to raise wages artificially for the fourth time in one year. Never mind that the wage increase may be no more than a fourth of inflation, tanking any purchasing power at any pay scale...

Of course, I have heard today employees happy about the increase. Note, I heard more of them bitch that it is not enough and will solve nothing. But the point is that after two years of massive inflation  and food shortages you can still find people that cannot see economical connections between the way the economy is run and their wallet problems.

While we are at it, they probably do not see connections between expropriation of private business and shortages.  Which explains why the outlaw of Diosdado Cabello threatened to take over any idle business tomorrow. That works right into the chavista mind set that inflation and shortages are nothing but a conspiracy. Which also explains why tonight we had state security in front of POLAR's Lorenzo Mendoza office, and home, waiting for him.  Probably they finally decided to torture him so he reveals where 2 years of food for 30 million of Venezuelans is hidden. Maybe in his basement.

We are a country of idiots, them for  believing such crap and me for not going postal.


  1. Anonymous2:48 PM

    We are all getting what we deserve...

  2. 3 points here:

    "major social, political, economic crisis"? Now? Hasn't Vzla been is such a 'crisis' for years and years? It just gets a bit worse every year. And Venezuelans somehow get used to it. They leave the country as soon as they can, o se la calan.. They complain a little, hit the streets almost every year, pray to the ONU or the OEA, in vain, of course, and then go stand in line praying for some chicken or cheap potatoes from Colombia or Uruguay. Do they really revolt, or change anything? The Boiling Frog experiment has worked great in Vzla. People are numb, resigned, waiting for miracles. Millions are Chavistas disfrazados, enchufados, corruptos. Millions.

    2/ "El pueblo" is simply vastly ignorant, under-educated, let's face it. Talk to any guy in Petare or Cuidad Bolivar.. Many believe inflation is related to tire pressure on a truck or moto.. or they can hardly do the math between a bogus salary raise and the cost of food. Heck many of "el pueblo" are ignorant enough to still love Chavez, the cause of most problems, and to think that "el imperio" is out to invade and conquer them..

    And many believe Polar and Mendoza are the problem, the 'burguesitos capitalistas" Brain-washed by retarded Chavista propaganda.

    You can't really say that "the people" are too bright or highly educated, can you? And on top of that, Millions of "el pueblo" are also corrupt, int some tigre, chanchullo, or some guiso. Everywhere. So they are often not so "righteous" or innocent victims either..

  3. Boludo Tejano3:43 PM

    The regime assuredly thinks about what to do to counter an opposition that has been setting up the agenda for quite a while now. After a massive brain storm they come up with a minimum wage increase of 40% . I think, I cannot even be bothered to check whether it is 40 or X: it makes no difference.

    Recall that when Ceausescu had his bad last speech,where the crowd shouted at him and also walked out on him,one of his responses was to promise a pay raise. Of course, a pay raise would have meant more in Romania than in hyperinflationary Venezuela. Given the inflation in Venezuela, the government will periodically announce pay raises, regardless of what the oppo does.


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